The store's address is 4483 Orion Rd, McGregor, TX 76657
However, sometimes GPS devices do not like that address so please use:
1410 Coyote Ln, McGregor, TX
Then follow the purple sign to the store.
Farm Store Hours
Monday-Friday 7:30am-6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm
Our farm store carries all of your favorite Mill-King products like low-temp milk, cream, cheese, grass-fed beef, pastured chicken & pork, etc.
All beef is raised here on the farm, grass-fed and never given hormones or grains.
We have amazing products from Texas farmers and artisans like eggs, poultry, honey, cheese, elderberry syrup, pecans, soaps & lotions, jams, fudge, bread, etc.
We carry items for individuals with dietary restrictions, such as gluten free, sugar free, dye free, and egg free products.
We offer a variety of fair-trade, sustainably raised, organic, and non-gmo foods.
What we use on our bodies and in our homes is just as important as the food we eat. That's why we have a great selection of body and home products that are made with cleaner, less toxic ingredients.
We carry everything from toothpaste to sunscreen. For the home, we carry items like plant-based surface cleaners, detergent, dish soap, and dryer balls.
We carry Young Living Essential Oils and products in the farm store.
Did you know you can get 24% off of the retail prices of YL products?
Want to learn more about oils and boosting your wellness line?